Logo (EN)


Karate Vlaanderen and FFKAMA join forces under the umbrella of the BKF to raise karate in Belgium to a higher level.

New logo BKF / FBK

Follow the development and creation of our new logo here.

WKF annual report 2022

Main activities of the World Karate Federation period 2022.

Belgian Championship 2025

Sunday, May 25, 2025 Sports hall Axion 2440 Geel
Kata & Kumite

The Belgian Karate Federation aims to regulate cooperation at national level between the constituent non-profit organisations, namely the Karate Vlaanderen vzw (KV) and the Fédération Francophone de Karaté et Arts Martiaux Affinitaire (FFKAMA).
BKF represents itself and its constituent non-profit organizations on an international level among the international karate organizations recognized by the International Olympic Committee. Finally, the BKF contributes to the development of amateur karate practice on a national and international level.

Belgische Karate Federatie vzw

Rue de Namur 84
5000 Namur
Tel : + 32 81 39 08 69

Federation Belge de Karaté asbl


Karate Vlaanderen vzw
Oudenaardsesteenweg 839
9420 Erpe-Mere

Tel: 09 248 03 00
Email: team@karatevlaanderen.be

Fédération Francophone de Karaté et des Arts Martiaux Associés
Rue de Namur 84, 5000 - Namur

Tel: 081/390869
Email : info@ffkama.be

de Karate